House Rules
Extra guests:
- Inviting people for staying overnight is not permitted unless it exists an agreement with the renter of the apartment.
- An extra overnight person which is not already part of the contract has to be announced.
- The price for an extra person overnight is 20 Euro a night.
Apartment keys:
- The tenant assures to keep safe the entrusted keys and always lock the door when leaving the apartment.
- If house or apartment keys get lost the tenant has to make a deposit of 150 Euro for a potential lock replacement immediately.
- Please mind common rules of loudness (low from 10pm). The tenant is asked not to disturb the neighbours with noise while entering or leaving the house.
- This is a Non-Smoking apartment. You can have a smoke on the balcony.
- Never cook under the board. Please pull hotplates to the counters front part.
- The tenant assures not to visit any pornographic or anti-constitutional websites while using the provided internet connection.
- Download rate is limited. Pease not use internet connection for huge downloads.
- Connection code will be given on arrival.
- Please do not open windows from front and backside of the apartment at the same time. Strong draft can push the old windows and brake glass.
- Always close balcony windows and umbrella when leaving the apartment.