Silvia Maccariello
„I´m painting since I got hands. My painting is so natural. When others walk the dog – I do paintings. Due to my mothers profession as an art teacher I grew up around brushes and colorful pigments. Already in my early childhood I visited several art museums in Europe, where I schooled my view for classic and modern art. Today when I call my mother we won´t interchange recipes, we talk about art and painting techniques.“
Silvia, born in Bozen, was studying educational science and music therapy in Mailand and Genua. Today Silvia is offering art workshops for kids in the Berlin neighborhood. Since 2009 Silvia is working together with other artists, dancers and musicians on interdisciplinary art projects at WW48 Wunderkammer & Ideenschmiede. The WW48 is a international platform of Artists, Scientists, Reseacher. WW48 Studio hosts Artist-Projects and Exhibitions.
Links: WW48 Studio, Silvia Maccariello Paintings